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In December, SolarWinds software engineers from all over the world will meet in Brno. We are taking the occasion to invite you to three public workshops focused on up-to-date technology and trends. The workshops run simultaneously, you can thus attend only one of them. TinyGo and Arduino Workshop In this workshop, attendees will get hands-on...
Coderetreat is one of the events SolarWinds organizes on a regular basis. It is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design by providing developers the opportunity to take part in focused practice, away from the pressures of “getting things done”. Same as in previous years, we are hosting...
Po úvodní teoretické přednášce o jazyce Go a jeho možnostech pro vás připravujeme sérii čtyř workshopů, které budou zaměřeny na praktické ukázky Go a práci s ním. Akce je určena všem zájemcům začínajícím s Go, kteří se o tomto výjimečném jazyce chtějí dozvědět více a rádi by si jej prakticky vyzkoušeli. Abyste si odnesli co...
Zveme vás na náš první Go meetup ze série Why to Go. Rádi byste se dozvěděli více o Go? Zajímá vás, proč je Go stejně výkonný, jako jazyk C, ale zároveň se v něm píše rychle a příjemně jako třeba v Pythonu? Chcete se dozvědět o zajímavé produkční alternativě pro server-side aplikace místo NodeJS, PHP,...
Do you still remember the time when you got your first computer? Or that time when you exchanged games on diskettes with the other geeky kids in school? When playing games was not enough and you wondered how those games were made? Or when you exchanged code snippets during school breaks or Czech/Slovak classes? You...
Let’s venture into a world where “small” security mistakes could create a big impact, and where one simple mistake could affect the whole system. It’s time to dive into the rabbit hole that is using XSS and CSRF. This is a second round of the same workshop which we organized in February this year. The...
Join us for our next meetup where we will be focusing on important aspects of C#. In this session, one of our esteemed colleagues will be presenting a detailed lecture about concurrency in C#. This meetup will be held on Wednesday, April 24 in our Brno office (Holandská 6), and will begin at 17:00. The...
Let’s venture into the world where “small” security mistakes could create a big impact, and where one simple mistake could affect the whole system. It’s time to dive into the rabbit hole that is using XSS, CSRF, and SQL injection. This workshop will take place on Thursday, February 21, at the SolarWinds Brno office. We’ll focus on...
Rádi bychom vás pozvali na první letošní Testing Unconference, která se uskuteční 29. 1. 2019 od 16h v prostorách SolarWinds na Holandské 6 v Brně. Těm z vás, kteří se ještě žádné z našich předchozích Unconferencí neúčastnili, bychom rádi přiblížili, co si představit pod pojmem Unconference: “Na Unconferenci se typicky agenda vytváří přímo účastníky na začátku setkání. Kdokoliv chce...
Are you interested in various software types (both on-prem and cloud) and deployment into a staging or production environment? Would you like to find out how we manage and overcome these kinds of challenges at SolarWinds? If so, we’d like to invite you to our meetup focused on DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering. For this...