Software Events

AI & ML Unconference 2024
May 14, 2024
Brno, Czech Republic
When: Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 17:00-21:00 CEST Where: SolarWinds s. r. o. , Holandská 6, Brno, map here. Who Should Attend: Tech enthusiasts, professionals, and scholars interested in AI, data, cloud computing, observability, and monitoring. How It Works: Upon arrival, participants will have the opportunity to propose topics for discussion, which will then be curated...
What’s new in TypeScript 5
March 7, 2023
Brno, Czech Republic
We would like to invite you for the first SolarWinds meet-up this year. Using examples, we will see what awaits us in the newly prepared version of TypeScript. We will try to discuss which of the mentioned news can be useful for us and which can possibly cause us problems. We will stop, for example,...
Security Unconference
February 7, 2023
With this event, we would like to create a space for professionals in software security development, as well as for fans of security, to discuss the challenges they tackle during product development. Discussion is open for any topic related to secure product development, related to the development process, software security group cooperation with the development...
Testing Unconference V – Automation – ZRUŠENO
March 17, 2020
Brno, Czech Republic
Rádi bychom poděkovali všem za zájem o účast na naší páté Testing Unconference. Vzhledem k aktuální situaci a vývoji kolem onemocnění COVID-19 jsme se však rozhodli akci v plánovaném termínu neuskutečnit. O novém termínu budeme informovat. Děkujeme za pochopení. Rádi bychom vás pozvali na první letošní Testing Unconference, která se uskuteční 17. 3. 2020 od...
Concurrency in C#
April 24, 2019
Brno, Czech Republic
Join us for our next meetup where we will be focusing on important aspects of C#. In this session, one of our esteemed colleagues will be presenting a detailed lecture about concurrency in C#. This meetup will be held on Wednesday, April 24 in our Brno office (Holandská 6), and will begin at 17:00. The...
Unconference o Javě
November 8, 2018
Před dvěma lety jsme uspořádali naši první Testing Unconference. Protože se tento formát ujal a ukázal se být celkem populární, rozhodli jsme se ho uplatnit i pro jiné oblasti. Rádi bychom vás tedy pozvali na naši první Unconference zaměřenou na Javu®, která se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 8. 11. 2018 od 16:00 v našich prostorách na...
Jak se v Brně testuje performance
March 27, 2018
Přijďte si poslechnout, jak různé společnosti v Brně přistupují v rámci SW vývoje k performance testům, a sdílet s ostatními svoje vlastní poznatky a názory na tuto oblast. O svých zkušenostech a aktuálním přístupu budou povídat SW engineeři z pěti různých brněnských softwarových firem. Martin Španko a Filip Rechtoris z Automation and Performance týmu SolarWinds se...
Innovate Summit 2017
December 14, 2017
SolarWinds Innovate Summit is headed to Brno, Czech Republic on December 14th, 2017! Innovate is a one-day event and a great opportunity for you to meet and learn from SolarWinds engineers and others in the monitoring community. Spend the day hearing talks from experts and fellow devs on topics ranging from in-field issues to cutting-edge...
Static Code Analysis
September 5, 2017
In this meetup, we’d like to focus on static code analysis and its advantages. Developers don’t want to make unnecessary mistakes. Nevertheless, while programming, most of us err anyway, and that’s why we want to reveal the flaws as soon as possible. It’s too late to detect them during code review, and much less while...
Coderetreat 2017
May 27, 2017
Do you still remember the time when you got your first computer? Or that time when you exchanged games on diskettes with the other geeky kids in school? When playing games was not enough and you wondered how those games were made? Or when you exchanged code snippets during school breaks or Czech/Slovak classes? You...