Concurrency in C#
April 24, 2019
Brno, Czech Republic
Join us for our next meetup where we will be focusing on important aspects of C#. In this session, one of our esteemed colleagues will be presenting a detailed lecture about concurrency in C#. This meetup will be held on Wednesday, April 24 in our Brno office (Holandská 6), and will begin at 17:00. The...
Static Code Analysis
September 5, 2017
In this meetup, we’d like to focus on static code analysis and its advantages. Developers don’t want to make unnecessary mistakes. Nevertheless, while programming, most of us err anyway, and that’s why we want to reveal the flaws as soon as possible. It’s too late to detect them during code review, and much less while...
IF-less programming
September 8, 2016
We would like to invite you to our next meetup, this time focused on C#. The event will take place on September 8th from 16:00. Agenda: When improving their skills, developers usually encounter topics like Design Patterns or Inversion of Control sooner or later. But they often forget to sharpen their basic skills. We will...